Tuesday, July 16, 2013

John, help us out. . .

I am a Geek. A card-carrying, flag-waving, book reading geek. As such, there is nothing I love more than connecting with people who, too, are Geeks.

And that - friends - is why I love reading Epbot.com . The author, Mz. J recently went on hiatus. For an Unknown length of time. I am having difficulty coping with the sudden removal of my Geeky Queen.

Where will I get my little girl Spock warm fuzzies? ( http://www.epbot.com/2011/12/three-cheers-for-little-girl-spock.html )

Where will I get my Steampunk Lady V'dore cos-play? ( http://www.epbot.com/2012/07/steamy-project-reveal.html )

Where will I get my squee worthy Etsy hookups? (http://www.epbot.com/2013/06/jewelry-for-dizgeeks.html )

I do not know. Finding someone you can connect with (albeit silently) via the internet is hard. Trying to find a girl geek who Celebrates Geek Girl Culture and is in fact a force for good in the universe? Extremely rare. And we miss our J, our queen of misadventure.

I know, I know. She needs a break. She's overwhelmed. Home-girlie got issues, we get it. We all got's our issues. But we need her. The internet is full of faceless people, all with opinions, not all of them kind ones. It's easy to be a predator online. It's easy to type out hate.

It is Not Easy to put yourself out there, in a honest way, and find yourself subjected to brutality of other people's opinions. Negativity is a force not easily shaken off. You have to Armor yourself  Daily against the Negative. And it feels as though no matter how many good works, and good words, and like minded people you connect with, the arrows of the negative find every seam in the armor, every vulnerable spot.

Our J is so lovely. She's a real freakin' human being! Her thoughts are actually her thoughts, nothing generated by marketing analysis, just true spirit. She's silly, and funny, and a bit in the gutter, and utterly fabulous. Epbot readers get loads of fun, uplifitng geekery. Game reviews, book reviews, crafting, Disney World, Stuff and Junk! It's transcendental geekery, is what it is! Where else can we go to hear your voice, J? http://www.cakewrecks.com is great, but it's not YOUR Geektacular! voice.

J - come back to us please. We need you. Let us help, adore, love and support you in your quest for geeky equality. Don't let the hater's get you down. There are some many of us who miss you.

John - help a sister out. Pump her full of Disney treats, plump up her pillows, and help her find her way back to us. We Need Her!

Here is a link to a steamy octopus necklace to look at while we anxiously await our girl's return to the net.

Or how about this...steamy Gentleman Octopus flask!

1 comment:

  1. A great piece. I hope Jen is getting the rest she needs.

    Something struck, me, though, about the "brutality of other people's opinions", and I think that's the problem. People are entitled to their opinions and to be critical about things they disagree with or don't like. Jen was not the victim of someone's remotely valid criticism, she was attacked by people with no better agenda (and apparently way too much time and too little kindness and common sense) than to be intentionally nasty and unkind to a total stranger. So unfair.

    Yours in Jen withdrawal,
    Debra :)
